Just a friendly reminder to help prevent pain in your back, neck, and legs there are some simple things to keep in mind while planting your garden to make it a more enjoyable experience.
Bend With Your Knees
So I am sure you have heard this a million times before but it works!! When weeding or planting if you bend at your hips and knees (do not let your knees go over your toes) this helps to prevent excessive flexion in your lower back which will help to reduce pain. If you do not have the strength in your legs to move into a squat position try to bend as much as you safely can at the hips and knees. Another option would be to purchase a garden stool or sit on an overturned 5-gallon bucket that way your legs do not get overly fatigued when weeding or planting. If sitting on a garden stool or 5-gallon bucket be mindful of keeping your back as straight as you can while bending forward at your waist.

Avoid Twisting Your Body
Not every situation is ideal; however, if you can limit the amount you twist your back, your back will thank-you! When possible turn your feet towards what you are working on instead of keeping your feet planted and twisting your back. Our lower backs are not made to rotate more than a few degrees so every time we force that rotation we are causing micro trauma to our discs and vertebra. We are made to rotate through the hips and our thoracic spine(mid-back). As mentioned not every situation is ideal but if we can use proper body mechanics even 50% of the time that is 50% less trauma to our bodies!
Happy Gardening!!