We listen to your concerns, needs, goals and hopes.
Advanced PT has been helping people feel better for almost 30 years.
Since 1989, our team of licensed Physical Therapy Professionals has helped thousands of people return to their previous lifestyle. Our patients know they can count on us to relieve their pain and meet their needs. We help them return to their interests with compassion, kindness and exceptional care. The staff of Advanced PT gladly join our patients in their journey to feeling better and enjoying the activities that make them happy.
APT treatment starts with LOVE: Listen…Observe…Validate…Evaluate

We observe how you move and what your body is telling us.

No one comes to physical therapy on their best day. Pain is a literal pain! Give yourself a break and know it will get better.

After a thorough assessment, we will give you our findings, explain how we reached our conclusions and formulate a plan based on your goals.
What makes us stand out?
Our treatments are exceptionally thorough. “Hands on” stretching, massage and joint movement by the therapist is so important to improvement. Exercise is only one part of many parts of a treatment at APT. The more thorough a treatment, the better and faster the results.
Since pain can take on a life of its own and become bigger than the original condition, this holistic approach also eliminates or reduces the need for narcotics for managing pain. APT cares about the patient’s well being in mind, body, and spirit.